Mary-Lauri Bartola had been battling with scoliosis since she was diagnosed at the age of 13. Despite a previous unsuccessful surgery at the age of 28, she refused to accept a life dictated by pain. Her search for a solution led her to the renowned scoliosis surgeon, Dr. Jason Lowenstein, based in Morristown, NJ.

Upon meeting Mary-Lauri, Dr. Lowenstein quickly identified the necessity for surgery. Unfazed by Mary-Lauri’s age, which could typically be a concern for such procedures, Dr. Lowenstein assured her with unwavering confidence that her spine could indeed be corrected. 

Their journey towards Mary-Lauri’s recovery wasn’t without hurdles. The insurance company initially denied the surgery three times, using outdated medical procedures and inappropriate consultations as their defense. However, Mary-Lauri’s husband publicly appealed against the insurance company’s decision. Following a media outcry, the insurer finally approved the appeal, allowing Dr. Lowenstein to perform the life-altering surgery.

Thanks to advancements in technology and Dr. Lowenstein’s exceptional surgical skills, Mary-Lauri finally found relief after four decades of suffering. Her story is a testament to Dr. Lowenstein’s expertise and dedication to providing the best possible care for his patients, irrespective of their age or the complexity of their condition.

For the full story: Read it here